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Laurel High School

Phone (302) 875-6120

The Educators Rising (formerly Future Educators Association or FEA), a division of Phi Delta Kappa International (PDK), is a professional organization that supports students who are interested in education-related careers. Through affiliation with local chapters that are registered with the international office, prospective educators have access to scholarship opportunities, as well as age appropriate materials and activities, including a national conference, that help them gain a realistic understanding of the role of the teacher. As the only national pre-collegiate program for prospective teachers, Educators Rising helps students develop the strong leadership traits that are found in high-quality educators.

The Educators Rising international headquarters are located in Arlington, VA, United States.

The Laurel School District

1160 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956
Phone: (302) 875-6100Fax: (302) 875-6106