
Getting Started with Your Chromebook

  • Chromebooks can only be accessed with your Laurel issued Google account.
  • Before logging in, connect your Chromebook to your home Wi-Fi.
  • Log into your Chromebook with your Google credentials
  • - I think we can change it so we don’t have to put in
    • e.g
    • The default password is Dogs plus student ID (lunch number) e.g. Dogs12345
  • Ask your teacher or contact the school office if you need help identifying a username or password.
  1. ClassLink is the portal to all Laurel School District Apps.
  2. The homepage for all Chromebooks is ClassLink or visit
  3. Log into ClassLink with Google credentials. (firstname.lastname only)
  4. Once logged in you can access the applications you need for schoolwork
  • Google Drive is a file storage service created by Google.
    • Files are saved to the cloud and can be accessed at any time and from any device.
    • Share and collaborate files with others.
  • Locate Google Drive in ClassLink or visit
  • Log into Google Drive with Google credentials.
  • Every file in the district managed Google Drive goes through filtering software that scans language and images.
  • Students have adequate Google Drive storage for all school assignments.
  • Laurel recommends organizing Google Drive files by grade level and by content area.
    • Create a grade level folder and move your files into that folder.
    • Within that folder add more folders for each content area.
    • Sort your files into content areas folders.
  • Be sure to add a title to the Google Drive files to help make searching for files easier.
  1. Schoology is the learning management system that students use to communicate with teachers. Information and assignments will be posted here.
  2. Locate Schoology in ClassLink or visit
  3. Log into Schoology with Google credentials.
  4. Once you are signed in, select “Courses” at the top of the Schoology home page.
  5. Select each course and familiarize yourself with the content.

For more information, visit our Schoology page

How To Login to ClassLink

The Laurel School District

1160 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956
Phone: (302) 875-6100Fax: (302) 875-6106