
Laurel School District's FY2022 Esser III American Rescue Plan Focus Areas

Address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students' social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups. (Minimum 20% of Allocation)

$3,473,454.36 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area

$857,600.12 for Salaries/OECs at the Laurel Middle/High School to employ one math and one ELA teacher to each school, for a total of 4 teachers to assist with current practices to enhance, support and restore student grade level learning, to meet comprehensive needs of our students.

$428,800.08 for Salaries/OECs/Healthcare at the Laurel Elementary School to employee 2 Achieve 3000 Related Arts Teachers to assist with current practices to enhance, support and restore student grade level
learning, to meet comprehensive needs of our students.

$428,800.06 for salaries/OECs/Healthcare to hire 2 Grade Level/Content Area teachers at Laurel Elementary School.

$214,400.04 for Salaries/OECs/Healthcare at North Laurel Early Learning Academy to employ 1 Pre-Kindergarten teacher.

$428,800.06 for Salaries/OECs/Healthcare to hire 2 Middle School Intervention/After School Teachers, 1 Math and 1 ELA.

$393,483.06 for salaries/OECs/healthcare to hire 1 Paraprofessional for math support at LES; 2 Paraprofessionals at LES, 1 for Lifeskills and 1 for Autism; and 1 Paraprofessional at North Laurel for 2 school years. $67,940.00 to contract Edmentum for credit recovery for LMHS for 2 school years.

$402,484.54 for High Quality Instructional materials for, STEM-Robotics Program, Science Curriculum, Social Studies Curriculum, Mathematics and Literacy.

$251,146.40 for High Quality Instructional Materials/licenses and Professional Development, Coaching Support for ELA and Literacy, Social Studies and Math.

Effectiveness will be measured by student engagement and academic performance. HQIM materials selection and acquisition is an ongoing process at LSD, with the following breakdown and timeline:

STEM - Robotics Program: VEX Robotics was selected as a national and global competitive robotics curriculum with machine development and competition requirements for various fields in Robotics. This program will be implemented both is science classrooms and as an extracurricular program in middle and high school, implementing 2021-2022

Science Curriculum-Currently we are in the process of identifying, piloting, and adopting HQIM Science materials with Open SCi-ED at the secondary level and Amplify Science at the elementary level, upon completion of these pilots in 21-22 we will have the district Science team either choose to move forward with these programs or to explore existing or upcoming HQIM Science Curriculums for additional pilots, the goal is to have a consistent implementation of materials in secondary and elementary classrooms following this process by Fall 2023.

Social Studies Curriculum selection and adoption process is just beginning at LSD with a shift in focus toward document based analysis of history and the social sciences. While the state is participating in an RFP for curriculum development our SS classrooms are increasing high quality and primary sources texts via the web application Actively Learn-Social Studies by Achieve 3000.

LSD is utilizing the established HQIM curriculum programs Book Worms Reading and Writing grades K-8, and Guidebooks via Learnzillion in 9-12. We will continue to support student materials and ongoing coaching for this implementation.

LSD is utilizing the established HQIM curriculum program Illustrative Mathematics in grades K-11. We will continue to support student materials and ongoing coaching for this implementation.

Develop strategies and implement public health protocols including, to the greatest extent practicable, policies in line with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on reopening and operating schools to effectively maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff.

$93,711.98 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area

$16,771.86 for S tipend and OECs for 3 COVID Coordinators. These Coordinators will serve as direct contact between DPH and the Laurel School District staff and students. They will communicate new guidelines, policies, and procedures from the CDC and DPH. Salary, 33.11% OECs and Healthcare costs to hire a Nurse to effectively maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff for one school year -$76,940.12.

Purchasing supplies to sanitize and clean the LEA's facilities.

$184,633.84 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area

$144,633.84 to purchase supplies and materials to ensure the safety of all students and staff. This includes medical supplies, safety supplies, safety and social distancing signage, PPE for students, staff and/or visitors, cleaning and sanitation supplies for building and transportation, services and/or equipment, separation between office employees and the public, and contractual services if needed.

$40,000 to purchase supplies
and materials for teacher classrooms to maintain hygiene and cleaning to ensure the safety of all students and staff.

Repairing and improving school facilities to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure to environmental health hazards.

$492,931.36 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area

$492,931.36 to contract with vendor to complete the second phase of NLELA's Roof Replacement project. This project will reduce the of exposing students and staff to environmental health hazards. Vendor to be determined.

Improving indoor air quality.

$500,000.00 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area

$500,000 to upgrade the HVAC systems at North Laurel Early Learning Academy with ionization systems to improve indoor air quality via filtering within school buildings.

Planning for or implementing activities during long-term closures, including providing meals to eligible students and providing technology for online learning.

$12,000.00 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area

$12,000 to contract with Docusign services for two years to ensure IEP documents can continue to be signed and implemented during virtual IEP meetings and times of remote instruction.

  • Educational Technology
  • Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, connectivity, assistive technology, and adaptive equipment) for students that aids in regular and substantive educational interaction between students and their classroom instructors, including students from low-income families and children with disabilities.$1,339,714.33 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area
  • Technology Subscriptions
    $120,000 - Instructional Technology Subscription Support for two years for software applications that track student work including Peardeck, Microsoft 360, EdPuzzle, Smart Tech, Adobe, etc.
    $69,130 - Two year contract with Dreambox. Dreambox is a Math Academic Acceleration Program that will track student work. This will enable teachers to effectively administer instruction to students to combat learning loss and achieve academic performance. 2 Year subscriptions.
  • Classroom Technology
    $186,784.28 - Purchase from Visual Sound for Smartboard Replacement at Laurel Elementary School. Apprx 70 boards with software.
    $42,887.50 - Contract with Versalign to install/set up approximately 70 smartboards Laurel Elementary School.
    $11,700.00 - to purchase 180 interactive tablets to assist with Smartboard devices from CDW. The XP-Pen Star 05 V2 Wireless 2.4G tablet is a graphics drawing tablet that will assist teachers in effectively administering instruction to students to combat learning loss and achieve academic performance.
  • Student Technolgy
    $635,000 - Purchase through Dell Technologies for Chromebook devices, along with the required technology hardware, software, protective cases, charging devices, etc. to support the continued initiative of remote learning. The district will distribute these devices to students in support of the district 1:1 Student Technology Initiative in the 22-23 and 23-24 school years.
  • Staff Technology
    $120,000 - to purchase staff laptops/devices from Dell Technologies. These devices will have a camera to allow for continued delivery of instruction. Purchase of laptops will be made for the 22-23 school year as well as 23-24 school year.
  • Deployment
    $40,000 - Contract with Versalign for additional assistance in setting up new devices and distributed to students as quickly as possible to be used for technology instruction. Contract will run for 2 school years, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.
  • Special Education Technology
    $25,397.50 - To purchase 50 iPad 128 GB devices, along with software and accessories, to assist with specialized apps to support learning for Special Education students. $50,815.05 - to purchase materials for Replacement Listen Tech voice lift systems for classrooms at Laurel Middle and High School. This includes materials, software, and installation. These devices will enable teachers to effectively administer instruction to students to combat learning loss and achieve academic performance.
  • Video Conferencing
    $38,000 - 2 Year Renewal of Zoom services to continue to provide a communication outlet per federal, state and local social distancing guidelines. This also provides services so that we may increase the storage capacity for our teachers to record instructional videos for our asynchronous students. This will enable teachers to effectively administer instruction to students to combat learning loss and achieve academic performance. Effectiveness will be measured by student engagement and academic performance through these platforms.

Providing mental health services and supports, including through the implementation of evidence-based fullservice community schools and the hiring of counselors.

$130,000.00 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area

$130,000 to pur chase Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum and materials to assist staff with cultivate positive mental health and social emotional learning. Effectiveness will be measured by student engagement and MTSS evaluations.

  • Bulldog Summer Academy
  • Planning and implementing activities related to summer learning and supplemental after-school programs.
    $782,798.80 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus areaThe Laurel School District will implement the Bulldog Summer Academy at all schools within the school district. The program will run for a 7 week time frame, 3 days a week.
  • Supplies
    $22,000.00 for Bulldog Summer Academy materials and supplies to implement summer program at all schools within the Laurel School District.
  • Professional Development
    $10,000.00 for Professional Development through PDCE (Math Support) to provide training to summer school teachers to implement the Summer Bulldog Academy Program.
  • Transportation
    $60,000.00 for Transportation services for Laurel School District Bulldog Summer Academy.
  • Salaries and OECs

    $352,784.25 + OECs $116,806.87 for summer school program in Salaries/OECs for approximately 37 teachers/12 paras at their daily rate; 2 teacher per grade level/20 students per teacher.

    $18,611.88 + OEC $6,162.39 for summer school program salaries for nurses to provide medical support during the Laurel School District Summer Bulldog Academy.

    $75,000.00 + OECs $24,832.50 for Teacher/para/translator stipends to implement Bulldog Summer Academy [$1500$]per stipend per teacher].

    $3000 + OEC $993.30 for 2 nurse stipends to provide medical support for the Bulldog Summer Academy.

    $17,920.00 + OEC $5,933.31 for Nutrition employees Salaries/OECs for Summer Bulldog Program - Approximately 8 employees.

    $12,000 + OEC $3,973.20 for Nutrition Stipends/OECs for Summer Bulldog Program.

    $39,652.24 salary + OECs $13,128.86 for After School Programming to pay teachers and paras from LES, LMS, and LHS for an hour of teaching, plus planning, along with SAT prep after school programming.Effectiveness will be measured by student engagement and academic performance.

The Laurel School District

1160 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956
Phone: (302) 875-6100Fax: (302) 875-6106