Develop strategies and implement public health protocols including, to the greatest extent practicable, policies in line with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on reopening and operating schools to effectively maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff.
$93,711.98 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area
$16,771.86 for S tipend and OECs for 3 COVID Coordinators. These Coordinators will serve as direct contact between DPH and the Laurel School District staff and students. They will communicate new guidelines, policies, and procedures from the CDC and DPH. Salary, 33.11% OECs and Healthcare costs to hire a Nurse to effectively maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff for one school year -$76,940.12.
Purchasing supplies to sanitize and clean the LEA's facilities.
$184,633.84 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area
$144,633.84 to purchase supplies and materials to ensure the safety of all students and staff. This includes medical supplies, safety supplies, safety and social distancing signage, PPE for students, staff and/or visitors, cleaning and sanitation supplies for building and transportation, services and/or equipment, separation between office employees and the public, and contractual services if needed.
$40,000 to purchase supplies
and materials for teacher classrooms to maintain hygiene and cleaning to ensure the safety of all students and staff.
Repairing and improving school facilities to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure to environmental health hazards.
$492,931.36 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area
$492,931.36 to contract with vendor to complete the second phase of NLELA's Roof Replacement project. This project will reduce the of exposing students and staff to environmental health hazards. Vendor to be determined.
Improving indoor air quality.
$500,000.00 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area
$500,000 to upgrade the HVAC systems at North Laurel Early Learning Academy with ionization systems to improve indoor air quality via filtering within school buildings.
Planning for or implementing activities during long-term closures, including providing meals to eligible students and providing technology for online learning.
$12,000.00 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area
$12,000 to contract with Docusign services for two years to ensure IEP documents can continue to be signed and implemented during virtual IEP meetings and times of remote instruction.
Providing mental health services and supports, including through the implementation of evidence-based fullservice community schools and the hiring of counselors.
$130,000.00 * Total Amount of Funds to be spent in support of focus area
$130,000 to pur chase Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum and materials to assist staff with cultivate positive mental health and social emotional learning. Effectiveness will be measured by student engagement and MTSS evaluations.