
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

The Laurel School District’s adopted policies on each of the following health and safety strategies are described below.

The Laurel School District is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all students and staff.

The Laurel School District is committed to providing a working environment that is cleaned and disinfected daily per CDC guidelines.

Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation

Cleaning Requirements as established by the CDC

  • Schools must ensure enhanced cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces (stair railings, doorknobs, bathrooms, etc.), cleaning between every 15 minutes to 2 hours using EPA-approved cleaning and disinfecting solutions
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces including lights, doors, benches, bathrooms, etc. with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution (1/3 cup bleach in 1 gallon of water) at least twice daily
  • Wipe down student desks with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution twice a dayClean playground equipment after every group
  • Clean athletic equipment as per DPH Youth Sports Guidance
  • Ensure staff wear appropriate personal protective equipment when performing all cleaning activities. This could include gloves, surgical mask, and face shield, both to protect themselves from the cleaning and disinfection products they are using and to lower the risk of transmission from the areas they are cleaning

The following are requirements for cleaning, sanitation, and ventilation when staff and students are in school.

  • Check HVAC systems at each building to ensure that they are running efficiently. Air filters should be changed regularlyEnsure libraries, computer labs, arts, and other hands-on classrooms undergo cleaning with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution and be cleaned after every class group
  • Efforts should be made to minimize sharing of materials between students, as able
  • Wipe down student desks with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution after every class group Ensure custodial staff follows guidance from the CDC about the use of face coverings and special respirators when performing cleaning duties
  • Implement enhanced restroom protocols for hygiene and cleaning based on public health guidance
  • Students and staff must have access to handwashing facilities and supplies and hand sanitizer, and be allowed time to wash hands in between activities
  • Ventilation: Educators should consider increasing ventilation in classrooms, opening windows if possible Wash hands or use hand sanitizer after students change any classroom; teachers in the classroom should wash their hands or use sanitizer every time a new group of students enters their room
  • Schedule hand washing with soap and water for studentsCheck HVAC systems at each building to ensure that they are running efficiently. Air filters should be changed regularly
  • Post signage about frequent handwashing, cough etiquette, and nose blowing; signage should be widely posted, disseminated, and encouraged through various methods of communication based on public health guidance

A. Universal and correct wearing of masks Face Coverings Expectations (based on CDC guidance)

All staff, students, and district contractors will be required to wear face coverings that fit snugly over both the mouth and nose except when doing so would inhibit the individual's health as documented by their PCP or medical specialist. Face coverings are required inside all school buildings when students are present.

  • NO sharing of face masks
  • Face masks are part of the Laurel School District uniform
  • Face Shields - Are not a replacement for a cloth face covering. but may be used in conjunction with the mask when concern that exposure to the eyes may occur
  • NO gaiters or bandanas - cloth face coverings must be double layered fabric
  • All students will be provided a new mask upon arrival to the nurse's office to wear until picked up by the parent/guardian
  • All bus drivers, bus aides, and students must wear cloth face coverings over both the mouth and nose at all times on school buses (entering, exiting, and seated)

B. Physical Distancing

All students and staff should maintain social distancing as directed by DPH and DDOE guidelines for school and bus settings.

  • 6' or greater between individuals is recommended
  • 3' between individuals with face coverings is required
  • Individual desks are recommended and should all face the same direction (classroom and cafeteria settin
  • Hallways or corridors should flow in one direction as much as possible (limited hallway traffic)
  • Limit entry and exit points to the building as feasible
  • Gatherings will be limited according to DPH guidelines
  • Capacity will be limited by the number of students that can be seated between 3 or more feet apart on the school bus (maximum capacity of 24 people including the bus driver on each bus)
  • Bus drivers will assign seating; one student per row in a staggered fashion. All bus drivers will maintain a seating chart on the bus. Bus drivers will place decals/tape to indicate where students should sit.

C. Handwashing

Hand Hygiene

  • All students and staff will have access to handwashing facilities and supplies, hand sanitizer, and opportunities to
    practice hand hygiene frequently throughout the day.
  • Hand sanitizer per DPH recommendations will be provided throughout the school.
  • Families wishing to opt out of hand sanitizer use must complete the opt out form.
  • For more information, please refer to the link below:

The Laurel School District is committed to providing a working environment that is cleaned and disinfected daily per CDC guidelines.

Cleaning Requirements as established by the CDC

  • Clean frequently touched surfaces including lights, doors, benches, bathrooms, etc. with either an EPA approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution (1/3 cup bleach in 1 gallon of water) at least twice daily

  • Wipe down student desks with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution twice a day

  • Clean playground equipment after every group

  • Clean athletic equipment as per DPH Youth Sports Guidance

  • Ensure staff wear appropriate personal protective equipment when performing all cleaning activities. This could include gloves, surgical mask, and face shield, both to protect themselves from the cleaning and disinfection products they are using and to lower the risk of transmission from the areas they are cleaning
The following are requirements for cleaning, sanitation, and ventilation when staff and students are in school.

  • Check HVAC systems at each building to ensure that they are running efficiently. Air filters should be changed regularly
  • Ensure libraries, computer labs, arts, and other hands-on classrooms undergo cleaning with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution and be cleaned after every class group
  • Efforts should be made to minimize sharing of materials between students, as able
  • Wipe down student desks with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution after every class group Ensure custodial staff follows guidance from the CDC about the use of face coverings and special respirators when performing cleaning duties
  • Implement enhanced restroom protocols for hygiene and cleaning based on public health guidance
  • Students and staff must have access to handwashing facilities and supplies and hand sanitizer, and be allowed time to wash hands in between activities
  • Ventilation: Educators should consider increasing ventilation in classrooms, opening windows if possible Wash hands or use hand sanitizer after students change any classroom; teachers in the classroom should wash their hands or use sanitizer every time a new group of students enters their room
  • Schedule hand washing with soap and water for students
  • Check HVAC systems at each building to ensure that they are running efficiently. Air filters should be changed regularly
  • Post signage about frequent handwashing, cough etiquette, and nose blowing; signage should be widely posted, disseminated, and encouraged through various methods of communication based on public health guidance

All staff, students, and bus contractors are expected to self-screen prior to coming to school or work daily. Any staff, student, or bus contractor who answers yes to either self-assessment questions must not report to school or work.

  • Students / families should complete a health assessment self-screening questionnaire each morning before leaving for school
  • Staff should complete a health assessment self-screening questionnaire each morning before coming to work
  • Isolation area will be established in each Laurel school building where students who become ill at school will await parent/guardian pick-up. It is expected that parents will make arrangements for their ill child to be picked up promptly (within one hour)

(All responses to COVID-19 will be updated and reflected upon as changes are made by DPH and the CDC)

If there has been a positive COVID-19 case reported, the following process will be followed.

  • The building school nurse will contact the Office of Infectious Disease Epidemiology within the Division of Public Health (DPH) at 1-888-295-5156. If DPH learns of the school-related positive case first, DPH will contact the building school nurse or lead nurse.
  • The school nurse should keep the district-level COVID coordinators in the loop for consistency of communication and messaging
  • DPH would then assign an epidemiologist to perform the investigation. Schools trigger a rapid response and communication should occur within 24 hours of positive test results received either through DPH contact tracing or the building school nurse.
  • The Epidemiologist will work with the building nurse and/or lead nurse to determine close contacts and exposure
  • The Epidemiologist will determine who would be required to self-isolate and self-quarantine and who should get tested.
  • DPH will provide documentation for return to school or work to the individual (or parent/guardian) which is to be submitted to the building school nurse prior to return
  • DPH must provide clearance for positive COVID-19 cases and exposures - a physician’s note will not suffice
  • Parent/Guardian will be notified by the Laurel School District if the school becomes aware that a person who tested positive (for COVID-19) was in the school building at the same time as students
  • Communications shall be in accordance with state and federal law
  • DPH will work with the Laurel School District to establish a weekly (or as needed) community pop-up testing site at the Laurel Elementary School bus parking lot.
  • All staff and students are strongly encouraged to be tested prior to the start of school

The Laurel School District hosted two of the Albertsons ACME/Safeway Vaccine Clinics on Friday, February 12, 2021 from 3pm-7pm and Friday, March 5, 2021. DOE provided the lead for the clinic and The Laurel School District provided many volunteers to assist for a successful event.

As one of our community partners, The Laurel Fire Department hosted a free COVID-19 Vaccination Event on May 26, 2021 from 5pm-8pm that included 12-to-17 year olds with parent consent.

The Laurel School District is dedicated to ensuring the continuity of services to address the multiple facets listed above. We plan to do that by utilizing the following:

  • Continuity of learning acceleration with the implementation of year 2 of the Bulldog Summer Academy in the summer of 2022.
  • Hiring for Reading, ELA and Math positions that focus on interaction and student enrichment.
  • Hiring instructors that allow for students to complete high dosage after school tutoring.
  • Committing to the renewal of high quality instructional materials for students.
  • Investing in best learning materials and professional development for teachers to be able to provide high quality instruction to our students.
  • Implementing resources to our students such as Behavioral Health Coordinators to provide social-emotional learning curriculum to our students.
  • Renewal of technology programs that provide blended learning so that District can individualize student instruction.
  • Continuing with our 1:1 District-wide technology initiative as well as upgrading staff instructional technology so that we may better interact with our students

The Laurel School District

1160 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956
Phone: (302) 875-6100Fax: (302) 875-6106