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Laurel Elementary School

Phone (302) 875-6140

Student Code of Conduct


The Code is an official policy of the Laurel Board of Education. It is based on the premise that the primary goals in discipline are improving behavior and protecting the welfare of all students. The Code applies to all students.Students, parents and staff need to become familiar with the entire contents of this document which describe:

  • The rights and responsibilities of students.The attendance policy and regulations.Conduct that disrupts a positive environment.Procedures for disciplinary action.

The Code is in force:At all activities where school administrators have jurisdiction over students.

  • On School property and on the school bus at all times.At all activities where school administrators have jurisdiction over students.Out-of-school if the student’s conduct presents a threat to health, safety or welfare of other students and staff.
The building principal is authorized to take administrative action when a student’s misconduct is harmful to other students or to orderly education. Furthermore, the obligations of the Principal may be discretionary at times, based on confidential or additional information.

Laurel School District Student Uniform Policy

School uniform policies have many advantages. They contribute to a sense of school and community pride, de-emphasize economic differences, lessen peer-pressure, and have a positive impact on student behavior and academic achievement. The purpose of this policy is to identify what may be worn in school during the regular school day. All students are expected to take pride in their appearance with dress and grooming that contribute to the health and safety of the individual, without disrupting the educational process. The student uniform policy is in effect during each instructional day unless otherwise indicated by a district or school administrator. This policy will also be in effect during academic and professional activities outside the school day when students are representing the school. This uniform policy is not subject to interpretation. It is intended to eliminate questions on what can and cannot be worn. Students will wear a style of dress based upon the following standards:

  • Tops - All tops must be a long sleeve/short sleeve collared shirt with buttons, in solid white, red, black or gray:
    1. Only the top button of a shirt can be unbuttoned.
    2. All tops should be of appropriate size so as not to cause stretching or gapping of the material. Tops should not be tight to the skin or overly baggy. Tops may be tucked in or worn at mid-hip. If a top is not at mid-hip, it needs to be tucked in. No skin should be visible between the waistband of the pants and the bottom of the shirt.
    3. Crewneck, Cardigan, and V-Neck sweaters, vests or fleece pullovers in solid white, red, black or gray may be worn with the appropriate collared shirt underneath.
    4. A long sleeve or short sleeve t-shirt or turtleneck in solid white, red, black or gray may be worn underneath a collared shirt. No writing is allowed on any visible part of the shirt.
    5. Hooded attire is not permitted at any time.
    6. Team and club attire must be administratively approved to be worn as part of the school dress code.
    7. The Laurel School District provided competition jersey attire is acceptable on team event days, as long as the appropriate collared shirt is worn under the jersey. Team uniform bottoms may not be worn.
    8. Anything designated as an undergarment should not be seen (e.g. camisoles, undershirts).
    9. All logos shall be no larger than the size of the student’s closed fist.
  • Bottoms - Khaki/dress style pants, capris, shorts, skirts, skorts, corduroy, or jumpers in solid black, gray or tan.
    1. Males may wear khaki/dress style pants or shorts in black, gray or tan.
    2. Females may wear pants, shorts, skorts, skirts, capris and jumpers in black, gray or tan. Solid color white, tan, natural, black, gray tights or pantyhose may be worn, under an approved bottom.
    3. The bottom of shorts, skorts, jumpers and skirts must be modest in length. Modest in length is defined as the width of a student’s hand from the bottom of the article of clothing to the top of their bended knee.
    4. Jumpers must have the appropriate collared shirt underneath.
    5. Bottoms must be worn no lower than the natural waist. Bottoms cannot be “sagged” and pant legs may not be rolled up.
    6. Bottoms may be cargo style, however, there may not be chains, writing or any other adornments on the pants.
    7. All bottoms should be of appropriate size so as not to cause undo stretching or gapping of the material. Bottoms should not be tight to the skin or overly baggy.
    8. Jeans, exercise apparel (sweatpants, yoga pants, leggings, nylon pants, pajama bottoms, etc.) and jeggings are NOT permitted.
  • Footwear
    1. Shoes must be worn at all times. Footwear must be appropriate for the student’s designated activity.
    2. Shoes that have shoe-laces must be tied. Shoes with Velcro must be properly fastened.
    3. Clogs, flip-flops, slides or slippers are not permitted.
  • Spirit-Wear Fridays
    1. All uniform provisions apply to bottoms and footwear.
    2. Students may wear Laurel Bulldog Spirit wear tops in lieu of an approved uniform top each school week on Fridays.
    3. Students who choose not to wear Spirit wear tops on Fridays are to adhere to the Uniform Top Policy.
  • Clarifying Statements
    1. Ties are acceptable but not mandatory. Team coaches and club advisors can designate certain days for participants to wear a tie.Cut-offs, frayed seams, and holes are not permitted on any clothing. Belt loops should not be cut off.Sweat pants or warm-up pants will not be permitted.Hats, head coverings, visors, scarves, bandanas, combs/picks and sunglasses may not be worn in the building. Hairbands for students should be no wider than 2 inches and they should be logo free. Hair should be neat and well-groomed.No accessories, costumes, or unusual attire that is inappropriate or disruptive to the normal operation of the school may be worn.Writing is not allowed on any clothing. Logos are not considered writing.Students must remove and store coats, gloves, scarves, and hats in their locker or designated area upon entering the building.On designated casual days students will be allowed to wear blue or black jeans. No holes, writing, or adornments may be on the jeans. Tops must be appropriate and not be a disruption to the educational process.Procurement: Procurement may come from any vendor that meets the basic requirements as stated above.

    Consequences: The discipline/consequence and or reward policy will be developed at the school level in accordance with the discipline matrix as all school rules/consequences are determined.

Establishment and Statement of Purpose

The General Assembly of the State of Delaware enacted an enrollment choice program within the public school system of the State for the school year beginning July 1, 1996. It is the goal of the General Assembly to increase access to educational opportunity for all children throughout the State regardless of where they may live.

School Choice Application Information

Any parent of a school age child may apply to enroll that parent's own child in a school or program in a receiving local education agency by submitting a written application, on a standard form provided by the Department of Education, to the Department of Education or to the receiving local education agency and to the district of residence on or after the first Monday in November and on or before the second Wednesday in January for enrollment during the following school year, except that a parent may apply to a receiving local education agency until the first day of the school year for enrollment in a kindergarten program during that school year.If a parent of a school age child fails to file an application by the deadline established, and good cause exists for the failure to meet the deadline, the receiving local education agency and the district of residence shall accept and consider the application in the same manner as if the deadline had been met.The parent of a school age child may withdraw the application at any time prior to action on the application by the board of the receiving local education agency by giving written notice to the boards of the receiving local education agency and the district of residence.A parent enrolling their child in kindergarten may submit the standard application form to the receiving local education agency up until the first day of the school year for enrollment in kindergarten during that school year. Pursuant to Title 14 Delaware Code § 2702(b), a child shall be considered 5 years of age if that child celebrates the child’s fifth birthday on or before August 31 of the respective year.The Laurel School District requires that all School Choice applications be accompanied by student supplemental information on attendance, discipline and academic record from home school district. All information requested is for the previous and current school year.

Criteria for Approval of Applicatoin

Any parent of a school age child may apply to enroll that parent's own child in a school or program in a receiving local education agency by submitting a written application, on a standard form provided by the Department of Education, to the Department of Education or to the receiving local education agency and to the district of residence on or after the first Monday in November and on or before the second Wednesday in January for enrollment during the following school year, except that a parent may apply to a receiving local education agency until the first day of the school year for enrollment in a kindergarten program during that school year.
If a parent of a school age child fails to file an application by the deadline established, and good cause exists for the failure to meet the deadline, the receiving local education agency and the district of residence shall accept and consider the application in the same manner as if the deadline had been met.
The parent of a school age child may withdraw the application at any time prior to action on the application by the board of the receiving local education agency by giving written notice to the boards of the receiving local education agency and the district of residence.
A parent enrolling their child in kindergarten may submit the standard application form to the receiving local education agency up until the first day of the school year for enrollment in kindergarten during that school year. Pursuant to Title 14 Delaware Code § 2702(b), a child shall be considered 5 years of age if that child celebrates the child’s fifth birthday on or before August 31 of the respective year.
The Laurel School District requires that all School Choice applications be accompanied by student supplemental information on attendance, discipline and academic record from home school district. All information requested is for the previous and current school year.

Criteria For Disapproval of Application

Disapproval of Applications may be on the basis of the following:

  • Lack of capacity in a particular program or school. "Capacity" means the maximum number of students that a program or school can contain as determined solely by considerations of physical space, physical resources, and class size for each grade level. “Lack of capacity" means that the school or program calculates projected enrollment for the following academic year to be at least 85% of its capacity.
  • A district which is subject to a court-ordered desegregation plan may approve and disapprove applications.


Transportation to the choice school, without reimbursement, is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and agrees to abide by the DE State Law Title 14 Chapter 4 and the School Choice Contract of the Laurel School District.

Parents are responsible for complying with established opening and dismissal times.

Interscholastic Sports

Students shall be governed by the Rules of the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association with regard to eligibility of transferring students.

A student enrolled in grades 10 through 12, inclusive, in a receiving district shall not be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletic contests or competitions during the 1st year of enrollment in any receiving district if the student was enrolled in a different receiving district during the preceding school year unless the interscholastic sport in which the student wishes to participate is not offered in the receiving district in which the student was enrolled in the previous school year.

Pupils Suspended, Expelled or Truant in District of Residence

If a child for whom an application has been submitted has been suspended or expelled, or has been absent from school without a valid excuse for more than 15 school days during a school year, in the district of residence, the Laurel Board of Education may, in its sole discretion, refuse to consider the application or refuse to approve the application, or refuse to enroll the child, until the child has been reinstated in the district of residence, provided, however that nothing in this section shall be construed to enlarge upon the authority of any district to accept for re-enrollment any student who has been expelled from a school district in this State, as such authority is limited by the provisions of § 4130 of Title 14. "Valid excuse" shall have the same meaning as in § 2721 of Title 14.

The following information must be scanned and uploaded with the online application and/or with paper copy submitted to The Laurel District Office.

  • Most recent 2022-2023 report cardFinal 2022-2023 report cardAttendance records that include absences and excused absencesDiscipline records to include suspensions and expulsionsOnline application process begins: Monday, November 7, 2022 (8:00am)Online application process closes: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 (4:00pm)Parents will be notified of enrollment status by: Thursday, March 16, 2023Parents notify district/school of Acceptance Decision by: Wednesday, March 29, 2023
 For additional information on The Laurel School District School Choice Program, please refer to policy as found under "Forms and Downloads" (JN_School Choice Program Policy) or contact District Office at 302-875-6103.

Forms and Downloads

TitleLast Modified
Lori Lewis
Lori Lewis
Lori Lewis
Lori Lewis
Elbert Collins
Elbert Collins

The Laurel School District

1160 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956
Phone: (302) 875-6100Fax: (302) 875-6106