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Laurel High School

Phone (302) 875-6120

Each high school student must earn four English credits. Students may only take one credit in English 9, 10, 11, or 12 during the school day in any given year. Whenever a student has difficulty in or is not sufficiently challenged by a course, he/she may be recommended by the student’s English teacher to move to another level that will more adequately meet his/her needs and abilities. This recommendation will be discussed with the student’s parent/guardian and guidance counselor before any final decision is made.

English teachers will provide varied approaches and experiences to increase understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of reading, writing, and critical thinking/viewing. The State or Delaware grade level expectations and the state writing and reading rubrics will determine the skills selected for study. An awareness of the richness of language and literature as well as the cultural, historical, and contemporary connections will be addressed, and students will enrich their understanding and appreciation for literature by completing required summer reading assignments and/or participating in the Accelerated Reading Program.

The Laurel School District

1160 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956
Phone: (302) 875-6100Fax: (302) 875-6106