
Free SAT prep and handouts available for Delaware students

On March 27, all Delaware 11th grade public school students will take the SAT test during their regular school day. This year, the SAT has been redesigned to better align to Delaware's standards for student learning. The SAT also replaces the Smarter test as the state's assessment for 11th grade students.

To help Delaware students and families prepare for the SAT and to better prepare students for SAT success, a number of SAT resources and handouts are listed below. These materials provide more information about this year's SAT changes and available supports. Please use and distribute as needed.

  • VIDEO: Get FREE personalized SAT test prep
    How to link College Board and Khan Academy accounts to get free, personalized SAT test prep based on a student's PSAT results. 
    Access to free SAT prep (for those who have not yet taken the PSAT or SAT). 
    Additional SAT Resources and information for students, families, teachers, and district administrators. Includes accommodations information and links to teacher report portals.

Five Things to Know About the New SAT

For students planning to take the SAT in April. Includes information on the new test and how the College Board made the SAT more focused, clear, and useful.

The Laurel School District

1160 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956
Phone: (302) 875-6100Fax: (302) 875-6106